ACDBE certification may be the thing to catapult your business to success if you are looking to obtain airport concessions contracts. If you are a small business owner, you could be missing out on a lesser-known revenue stream – “set-aside” contracts. Government agencies, along with corporations that do business with the government, are mandated by law or corporate policies to spend approximately 20% of their budget with small disadvantaged companies.
All primary airports must have an ACDBE program. This provides a great opportunity for small businesses.
ACDBE requirements are uniform in every single state because they are under the direct jurisdiction of the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT). The DOT is responsible for setting ACDBE utilization goals and for the implementation of the entire program.
As a business owner, it is important to understand that a ACDBE business certification can allow you to be more competitive when it comes to government contracts, increasing your business’ revenue.
Even during a recession, the government must continue spending to fund its operations and stimulate growth. If you are seeking small business certification, it is important to decide who your target customer is to see if a ACDBE certification is best for you. You have to be certified as a small business in order for your ACDBE certification application to be accepted, so make sure that you go through that certification process first.