WBE Certification

Women’s Business Enterprise​

A Women’s Business Enterprise certification, or WBE business certification, defines your business as being owned, operated, and controlled by a women. Certification is a valuable marketing tool for your small business and can give you special consideration when bidding on contracts with the local government.

How would the state WBE certification help my business?

To see if this certification is right for you,

When you engage the services of BizCentral USA we can walk you through the process of your WBE certification application and ensure that you understand the benefits of the WBE certification process. With certification, you can be awarded small business grants for women and expand the reach of your brand while gaining access to lucrative contracts, and we are happy to help you through every step as you apply for WBE certification.

How Do I Qualify to Be a WBE?

In order for a business to have a chance of your WBE certification application being accepted, the company must be owned by a women, or women must own at least 51% of the company. During the WBE certification process, there will be checks to ensure that the women or women who have a majority share of the company are actually active parts of the business’ operations in some way.

What Documents Do I Need?

Here are the steps associated with obtaining the WBE Certification. We will help you through the process every step of the way.

  • A Signed Affidavit. If you are lying about your company being run by a majority of women, you can be held accountable for lying.
  • Proof of Gender. This can come in the form of a birth certificate, a passport, or a license.
  • Financial Statements. You have to show statements that look into the financial history of the company as well as your tax returns from the last three years. Personal tax returns have to be available for anyone who owns more than 10% of the company.
  • List of Personnel.You will have to include a list of all of your personnel as well as a copy of your most recently monthly payroll.

There are more specific documents and other details to the WBE certification application, and we would be more than happy to help walk you through all of the requirements.

How BizCentral USA Can Help

Before you apply for WBE certification, you need to have everything in order. That may require proving that the business is owned or operated by a women. You may have to supply additional documentation, as well. We have certification consultants who specialize in knowing what you need to successfully submit your application. Our services are available after you receive approval, too.

The Benefits of WBE Certification​

If you think you might qualify, then it’s in your best interest to apply for WBE certification. You have nothing to lose, but the potential benefits are too promising to pass up. They include but are not limited to:

If you feel ready to start on your WBE certification application but have no idea where to start, contact us today for help with the entire WBE certification process. We know exactly what you need for your WBE certification application and how to apply for WBE certification the right way.

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