Rethinking Goal-Setting: 5 Steps to More Progressive Goals and Long-Term Success

Looking to up your game when it comes to goal-setting? It’s time to think bigger! Setting goals that challenge you is the first step towards success, and we’ve got a 5-step process to help you embrace more progressive goals.

Step 1: Identify What Matters Most.

Before diving into any goal-setting strategies, take some time to consider what’s most important to you. Don’t let society’s expectations shape your goals. Once you know what matters most, structure your goals around this desire.

Step 2: Plan for the Long-Term.

It’s important to think long-term to see the big picture, but complete long-term planning can be difficult. That’s why it’s useful to plan short-term goals that are centered around your long-term thinking. Each short-term goal achieved brings you closer to your long-term goal.

Step 3: Use Key Results.

Complete your goal setting by identifying key results or steppingstones that will lead you to your goals. Each goal should contain key results. This helps you better fulfill your progressions towards goals.

Step 4: Think 10x Bigger. 

Don’t focus too much on minor details. Instead, think ten times bigger! Each time you write down a goal, question yourself, “Is this the best I can do?”

Step 5: Think Ahead.

Making a progressive goal requires you to think ahead and plan for situations that are not beneficial. Planning ahead will help you account for obstacles and determine solutions ahead of time so that obstacles can become alternative pathways to your goal.

Let These Steps Work for You If you’ve been feeling stuck or down about your lack of progress, follow these five steps to make more progressive goals that will get you back on track toward the success you seek! Remember, setting goals that challenge you is the first step towards success.

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